Beginners Guide to Legacy Quest: Rise of Heroes

Tips and tricks for players new to the strategy RPG Legacy Quest RoH.

April 28, 2017

Legacy Quest RoH is a free to play strategy rpg developed by nexon for google and apple devices. If you'd like to know my personal opinion on the game and it's monetization structure check out my Legacy Quest F2P review post.

Gameplay Mechanics

The game is a turn-based strategy involving different heroes, types and terrain. Levels are in the well-known fashion of a linear progression through different zones. As you can imagine starting adventure dungeons requires energy. And at the very start of the game the dungeons cost 0 energy. After the first zone though, adventure dungeons begin to cost 4 energy per run.


There are various elements of strategy to the game which are pretty enjoyable. For example positioning your units to attack from behind increases damage dealt by 15%. Attacking from a raised tile deals and additional 20% more damage. I'm assume these damage modifiers stack for a total of 35% increased damage.

Here are the main strategic advantages to keep in mind while playing:

  • Type Advantage -  There are 3 advantage types conveniently named, rock, paper and scissor. Having type advantage increases damage by 35% while type disadvantage reduces damage taken by 25%.
  • Terrain Advantage - Always try to attack from a raised tile for a 20% damage boost
  • Direction Advantage - Attack from behind an enemy for a 15% damage boost.
  • Companion Advantage - Attacking with a friendly unit in range to attack your same target will cause that unit to attack your target as well. This is called a "combo".

All these advantages stack with each other greatly increasing your damage potential. Which advantages you are fulfilling is conveniently displayed in the combat interface.

Attacking with all advantages active.

Walker's Mana Bar

Attacking with any of the advantages mentioned above also has a secondary benefit of filling Walker's mana bar. A full mana bar lets you trigger one of Walker's special skills.

Here are a few of the skills I've unlocked so far:

  • Meteor Strike - Pretty underwhelming, just deals damage across the whole map.
  • Greater Heal - Pretty straight forward heals all you're units.
  • Morale Boost - My personal favorite, boosts your units attack damage, not sure by how much though.


Heroes can wear different types of weapons, armor and accessories. This equipment greatly increases your heroes power. Equipment is atthe core of creating a strong team.

More coming soon...


You can send your units on expeditions that take time to complete. Upon completion expeditions unlock different areas and give your heroes XP and items.

More coming soon...


Swap your main hero for a mercenary hero that can fight for 2 turns. During the 2 turns your hero will recover HP and be cleansed of all debuffs.

More coming soon...

As always, I'd like to hear your feedback! Let me know what you think and what you'd like to know more about in the comments below.


I thought I was addicted to games... turns out I was just "passionate".