How to Make 100k Gil in 15 Minutes FFBE

Follow these steps to make as much as 70-100k Gil in as little as 15 minutes!

April 28, 2017

Follow the simple steps outlined in this post you can start making as much as 70-100k Gil in as little as 15 minutes.

Friend Summons

So the first step in making tons of Gil is by using your friend points to summon common units. These units are the core component of making tons of Gil. Make sure to always look at the units Trust Master Reward (TMR) to make sure it's not something you're going to want to use. There are a few units that can be summons via friend summon that have very good TMR's.

Power Leveling

Don't sell those new friend summon units right away though! The way to get the most gil for them is to level them up to their max level and then sell them. The max levels for 1 star, 2 star and 3 star units is 15, 30 and 40 respectively.

I usually create a new party of 5 1, 2 and 3 star units that I need to level. Then I start an easy exploration that a friend companion can complete solo. Which exploration is best for leveling your units depends on your friends rank and unit. The best units for power leveling are AoE capable units such as Gilgamesh, Olive etc.


Once your unit is at the max level for it's rating, I recommend awakening the unit. Awakening greatly increases the max level therefore increasing the Gil value of the unit. Selling a max 2 star unit can yield as much as 3x the amount of Gil as selling the maxed 1 star version.

It's also worth mentioning that the awakening materials for most of the common units are extremely common. You probably already have tons of the required mats laying around anyways.

Sort and Filter

This final point is just an optional trick I use that helps me sell my units much faster.

  • ‍First I sort my units descending by level.
  • ‍Then I Filter my results down to 1, 2 and 3 star units. 
  • ‍Finally, I filter "For Sale" units like Gil Snappers as well as "Normal Units".


Now you can finally buy those 20k enhancement packs everyday with very little effort.

I'd like to know how much you can make in 15 minutes of play time? Share your screenshots in the comments below.


I thought I was addicted to games... turns out I was just "passionate".